
 第7回日米数理社会学・合理的選択合同会議は、2022年8月5日に数理社会学会,アメリカ社会学会合理性と社会部会,アメリカ社会学会数理社会学部会,国際社会学会合理的選択部会の共催により、Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC)で開催されました。

 Best Paper Awardsには下記の2報告が選ばれました。

  • Peng Huang and Carter T. Butts, “Rooted America: Immobility and Segregation of the Inter-county Migration Networks”
  • Kazuhiro Kezuka, “The Puzzle of the Japanese View of Religion: Modifying Church and Sect Model and Applying ISSP 2018 Data”

 Journal of Mathematical Sociologyと『理論と方法』のそれぞれで、この会議をもとにした特集論文の企画が進んでいます。


  • Opening Remarks
  • Keynote Speech Presenter: James A. Kitts (University of Massachusetts)
  • Oral Presentation 1
    1. João M. Souto Maior (New York University) “Black-White Advanced Enrollment Inequalities and the Racial Composition of Schools: an Agent-based Modeling Investigation”
    2. Tomohiro Kitamura (Keio University) and Hirohisa Takenoshita (Keio University) “Why Do Parents Invest on Their Children’s Education: Explanation by using Mathematical Model”
    3. Peng Huang (University of California, Irvine) and Carter T. Butts (University of California, Irvine) “Rooted America: Immobility and Segregation of the Inter-county Migration Networks”
    4. Kazuhiro Kezuka (Tokyo Institute of Technology) “The Puzzle of the Japanese View of Religion: Modifying Church and Sect Model and Applying ISSP 2018 Data”
  • Poster Sessions
    1. Hiroshi Ishida (University of Tokyo) “Does College Education Promote Social Mobility? Evaluating College as the Great Equalizer Hypothesis in Japan”
    2. Teruki Sanada (Doshisha University) “Has Shadow Education Become Popular?”
    3. Yurie Momose (University of Tokyo) “Life Course Study on Adult Health and Social Exclusion in Japan”
    4. Hiroki Takikawa (University of Tokyo) and Zeyu Lyu (University of Tokyo) “Differences in response to behavior restriction policies under the COVID-19 epidemic in Japan in terms of gender, age group, and income level of the residence.”
    5. Kikuko Nagayoshi (University of Tokyo), Takashi Yoshida (Shizuoka University), and Hirohisa Takenoshita (Keio University) “Legitimation of Wage Inequality by Gender in Japan: Why Japanese Women Accept Wage Gap by Gender?”
    6. Selena M. Livas (The University of California, Irvine) “International environmental treaties from a network perspective”
    7. Loring J. Thomas (University of California, Irvine) and Carter T. Butts (University of California, Irvine) “Modelling Endogenous Vertex and Edge Dynamics using ERGM and Generalized Location Systems”
    8. Carter T. Butts (University of California, Irvine) “Models for Networks with Cross-boundary Demographic Exchange”
    9. Zhemeng Xie (Tohoku University) “Measuring the changes of sociological methods through word embedding”
  • Oral Presentation 2
    1. Sabrina Mai (University of California, Irvine), Scott L. Renshaw (University of California, Irvine), Carter T. Butts (University of California, Irvine), and Jeannette Sutton (University at Albany, SUNY) “Changing Topics: Causal Narrative Networks of COVID-19 Communications”
    2. Zeyu Lyu (University of Tokyo) “Analysis of Affective Polarization in Social Media”
    3. Scott L. Renshaw (University of California, Irvine), Selena M. Livas (University of California, Irvine), Miruna G. Petrescu-Prahova (University of Washington), and Carter T. Butts (University of California, Irvine), “Modeling Complex Interactions in a Disrupted Environment: Relational Events in the WTC Response”
  • Best Paper Awards
  • Closing Remarks
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